Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yes, it Really is that Simple!

So we've all heard about it...but what exactly is it? Is it really free? And how do I use it?

The questions above are all ones that I have heard within the last six months. Whether it be from family, peers, or other acquaintances, I feel like Skype is a craze that is taking the world by storm, with good reason. Skype is a free program that can be downloaded online. It can be used to talk to any person in the world, as long as they also have downloaded the program. Furthermore, if you have a webcam or other video enabling device and a microphone, you can talk and see your counterpart(s).

How does this relate to education? Well.. Imagine that you can carry on a conversation with anyone in the world, at any given time. 10 years ago this thought would have been far-fetched, but today it is a reality. Now, think about being able to have your class carry on a conversation with another class halfway across the world. There are endless possibilities now with Skype (and other programs) that allow for these such things to happen.

Let's take it a step further. Here in Iowa we are known for our unpredictable weather, which often ruins winter plans, yes? Well, let's say that you were scheduled to have a guest speaker come and talk to your class, but the poor weather conditions prohibited their traveling. Well, thanks to Skype, you can still have this presentation! All you would need is for your speaker and your class to be on Skype at the same time, and then simply make a video call to your speaker. No need to make plans for another lesson during this time; with Skype you are able to carry on your plans by having the guest speaker present through the video call.

This is just one example of how video conferencing can be incorporated into classroom instruction. There are endless possibilities, and I challenge you to discover them.

Image used with permission from malthe on flickr.com.

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