Saturday, April 3, 2010

The One Laptop per Child Effort

For this second blog I was looking through some of the recommended sites for this project and when I came across the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) website I just thought about how big of an impact my laptop has had on me. Then I thought about what would happen if every single child in the world would have the same opportunity as I did while growing up.

The thought of each child having the opportunity to have their own computer is simply mind blowing to me, but Nicholas Negroponte is trying to do just that. Negroponte's mission is not that of just trying to give a laptop to every child, as I just assumed when first visiting the site. I now see, and completely understand, that it is so much more than that. This non-profit project is all about giving each child the opportunity to a better education. Giving them a laptop is just a portal for them to do this. Having a laptop with Internet connection allows you to access the infinite information that is on the Web, not to mention the many other great features that the XO laptop includes, which can be found on the OLPC website. Overall, I think that giving a laptop to children in countries that only spend an average of $20 on each child's education would be huge!

While there is still a long ways to go before this becomes a true reality, it is such a great program and I hope that is has the opportunity to grow even more. To keep up to date on some current things going on with the OLPC project, simply click here and follow the link to read the OLPC blog.

Image used with permission from flickr. Attribution given to: / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

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